Add navigation links to a data file in _data/navigation.yml: # Menu navigation links - title: Home url: / - title: Blog url: /blog/ Create _includes/navigation.html file: {% for link in %} {% if link.url contains 'http' %} {% assign domain = '' %} {% else %} {% assign domain = relative_url %} {% endif %} {% if link.url == page.url %} {% assign current = ' class="uk-active"' %} {% else %} {% assign current = null %} {% endif %} {% if link.
Add a free Cloudflare SSL certificate to your GitHub pages custom domain. Create a free Cloudflare account and login. Add new site and scan the server, Cloudflare will return two name server addresses. Go to your domain registrar admin panel and add Cloudflare nameservers. Next, on Cloudflare under DNS tab add your CNAME an A records in DNS menu in CloudFlare then click on status. Next, under Crypto tab add set Flexible SSL mode.
This cheat sheet saves me from learning by heart commands for all the different tools and task runners used in web development. Npm Install Node.js curl -sL | sudo -E bash - sudo apt-get install -y nodejs Node comes with npm installed so you should have a version of npm. However, npm gets updated more frequently than Node does, so you’ll want to make sure it’s the latest version.
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